Clouds and Carrots'
Main Bunny Care Guide
Your rabbit's diet should primarily be composed of Timothy hay. Without it, your rabbit will not be able to digest his food properly. Always have hay available for your rabbit. Rabbit food pellets must also be provided. Even though many pet stores sell rabbit food with seeds or dried fruit in them, these can lead to health problems in your rabbit. Pick a quality rabbit pellet diet. It is important to stick with one brand of pellets, because changing food brands often can make your rabbit sick. If you are changing the brand of pellets you feed your rabbit, do this gradually (over the course of a week is recommended). For treats, you can give your rabbit small portions of fruits and vegetables. Don’t give fruit or vegetables to rabbits under six months old, as this can lead to health issues. Introduce fresh foods gradually once they are six months of age. Giving your bunny treats can be a great way to bond with your rabbit. ALWAYS HAVE WATER AVAILABLE! Our rabbits are NOT water bottle trained, so a bowl must be provided at first. Some fruits and vegetables are poisonous to rabbits. Some fruits and vegetables that are safe for bunnies include:
Apple, Apricot, Banana (high in potassium), Blackberries (and leaves – excellent astringent properties), Blueberries, Cherries, Grapes, Kiwi Fruit, Mango, Melon, Nectarines, Oranges (not the peel), Papaya, Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, Plums, Raspberries (and leaves – excellent astringent properties), Strawberries (and leaves), Tomatoes (not the leaves)Artichoke leaves
Asparagus, Baby Sweet Corns (but not full-size ones), Beetroot (care with leafy tops as high levels of oxalic acid), Broccoli (and its leaves, including purple sprouting varieties), Brussel Sprouts (leaves and sprouts), Cabbage (can sometimes cause digestive upsets), Carrots (and carrot tops) – the roots should be limited as they are high in sugars, Cauliflower (and the leaves), Celeriac, Celery (and its leaves), Chicory, Courgette (and flowers)
Cucumber, Curly Kale, Fennel, Green beans, Kohlrabi, Parsnip, Peas (including the leaves and pods), Peppers (red, green and yellow), Pumpkin
A rabbit's cage should be at least 4-6 times the size of your bunny when he’s entirely stretched out, but bigger is always better because bunnies love to have lots of room to play! It's always best to provide the biggest cage or space possible. Dwarf rabbits, though small in size, need just as much room as larger rabbits since they have higher energy levels. We suggest using an exercise pen designed for dogs (also called X-pens). These provide lots of space for your bunny. Bunnies can also be litter box trained, and can be free roam! Spaying and neutering will help with the litter box training process. For bedding, you can use hay, paper bedding, or approved safe wood shaving bedding. Never use bedding that has powder or dust on it, because this is harmful to your rabbit. Keep in mind that your rabbit may try to eat the bedding. Clean your cage out often, to ensure your rabbit stays healthy. Rabbits also love hidey-huts, so we suggest adding one. Keeping rabbits indoors is preferable and will lengthen their lifespan. However, if your rabbit will be kept outside, be sure to buy a large outdoor hutch and a heating pad/system. Please view our Housing article for more suggestions on rabbit setups.
Rabbits need toys because without challenging activities, your rabbit will get bored, especially when there is no one at home to keep it company. Rabbits love chewing, so offer chew sticks, toilet paper rolls, and other wooden or paper toys. Their teeth never stop growing, so having wooden chew toys is also important for their health. Rabbits also love bird toys, ringing the bells at the end and chewing on the other pieces. Be careful to pick out toys that don't have any plastic pieces. All plastic toys should be avoided, as they will make them sick. One of our favorite toys for our rabbits is hanging balls that can be filled with treats. Rabbits also enjoy shredding paper! Please view our Toys, Chewing, and Stimulation article for more suggestions on rabbit toys and activities.
Vet and Health
Rabbits are prey animals, so when they are sick, they hide it very well. Different breeds of rabbits develop more illnesses than others. If you notice your rabbit's face is wet, or if its feces are sticking to your rabbit, bring him to a vet or call the breeder you got your rabbit from. Spaying or neutering is always suggested since it can increase the lifespan and health of your rabbit. Spaying or neutering is highly suggested and will be beneficial to both you and your bunny. Rabbits don’t usually require vet care, although it is sometimes necessary.
Rabbits also need grooming, especially long-haired rabbits. Brush your rabbit with a brush made especially for rabbits or a comb. You only need to do this every month or so, depending on the type of rabbit you own. Rabbits especially need grooming when they are shedding. Rabbits nails need to be trimmed a couple of times a year. ONLY have someone experienced or a vet trim your rabbit's nails. The wick inside your rabbit's nail is very sensitive. NEVER GIVE YOUR RABBIT A BATH! Rabbits aren’t swimmers, so being in water terrifies them, even shallow water. Rabbits never need baths, since they groom themselves. Rabbits have heart attacks easily because they are prey animals. Being in water stresses and scares the rabbit too much, sometimes to the point of death. If your rabbit needs it, you can wipe her down with a damp towel. Petting your rabbit’s head is a good way to help him feel relaxed when grooming.
Rabbits are prey animals, so they need to consider other creatures as potential predator. Always approach your rabbit slowly, because fast movement can scare your rabbit. An adult should always be present to help young children handle rabbits. Sudden loud noises can scare a rabbit, so it may try to flee or defend itself. Never grab your rabbit by its ears, feet, tail, or neck. Always pick then up with one hand under him and one hand behind him. If you pick your rabbit up incorrectly, he might kick, which can be dangerous to his spine. Rabbits love being handled when it is done correctly. Rabbits bond very closely to their owners, and absolutely love spending time out of their cage or space with their owners.